2024 4th International Conference on Mechatronics and Intelligent Control (MIC 2024)
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Prof. Weilin Li

National Youth Talent, Shaanxi Outstanding Youth Science Foundation

Northwestern Polytechnical University, China


Weilin Li, Ph.D. Since November 2013, he has been a lecturer, associate professor, professor, and supervisor of doctoral students. Prof. Weilin Li is a national-level young talent, honored with the Outstanding Youth Science Foundation of Shaanxi Province, the Youth Science and Technology Award of the Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics (one session every two years, with 10 people nationwide in each session), the Youth Science and Technology Award of Shaanxi Province, and selected for the first batch of Young Talent Support Project of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology (CAST). He has presided over a number of national and provincial research projects, including the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) top-level projects, youth projects, special projects of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), the 13th Five-Year Preliminary Research Project, the National Young Talent Project, the Outstanding Youth Fund of Shaanxi Province, and the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST) Young Talent Support Project, and so on. His main research interests include smart microgrid and new energy technology, aviation smart power distribution technology, distributed electric propulsion aircraft, energy optimization and management, medium and low-voltage DC transmission and distribution systems and their protection, information-physical fusion power systems, and multidisciplinary and multidisciplinary integrated modeling and simulation. He has published more than 50 SCI papers as the first/corresponding author; the highest number of SCI citations for a single paper is 165, and there are 7 papers with more than 40 SCI citations; the highest number of citations for a single paper is 245; he has applied for more than 50 patents as the first inventor, and has been authorized for more than 30 patents; and he has published one monograph in English. Prof. Weilin Li serves as a member of the Electromechanical Branch of the Aviation Society of China and vice chairman of the Youth Work Committee, deputy director general of the Electromechanical Branch, director general of the Aviation Electricity Committee, member of the Electric Aviation Branch, member of the Distributed Power Generation and Intelligent Electricity Distribution Committee of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering, standing member of the Youth Work Committee of the China Power Supply Society, member of the Electrified Transportation Committee, vice chairman of the Aviation Electrification Committee and member of the Youth Work Committee of the Chinese Society of Electrotechnics. Vice Chairman of the Specialized Committee of the Chinese Society of Electrotechnology, Member of the Youth Working Committee and Deputy Secretary General, Member of the Specialized Committee of AC/DC Power Supply and Distribution Technology and Equipment, Member of the Specialized Committee of Energy Internet of the Chinese Society of Automation.

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Prof. Xudong Sun

Jiangxi Province Ten Million Talents Project Candidate, Jiangxi Outstanding Young Talents

East China Jiaotong University, China


Sun Xudong, male, Ph.D., professor, master's supervisor. He is a candidate of Jiangxi Province Ten Million Talents Project, Jiangxi Province Outstanding Young Talent, and a visiting scholar of Central Queensland University. He has presided over and participated in more than 10 national and provincial scientific research projects, and has won one Jiangxi Provincial Scientific and Technological Progress Award, one Jiangxi Provincial Technological Invention Second Prize, one China Instrument Society Scientific and Technological Achievement First Prize, and has published more than 50 academic papers, of which more than 20 are SCI-retrieved, and has been authorized with 5 invention patents, 5 software copyrights, and has been published in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, and IEEE Transactions on Image Processing and IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. He has published 11 times in the top journals of IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture and Postharvest Biology and Technology, and his main research direction is the application of near-infrared spectroscopy and image processing technology in the fruit industry, fruit yield and quality prediction technology. Fruit Yield and Quality Prediction Techniques.

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Prof. Huihuang Wu

Fellow of IET, UK, Fellow of ASEAN Academy of Engineering and Technology

Taylor's University, Malaysia


Hui-Hwang GOH received the B.Eng (Hons.) degree in Electrical Engineering, the M.Eng. degree in Electrical Engineering, and the Ph.D. degree from the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Johor, Malaysia, in 1998, 2002, and 2007, respectively. Professor Goh is a fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) in the United Kingdom. He is a fellow of the ASEAN Academy of Engineering and Technology (AAET) and the Chinese Society for Electrical Engineering (CSEE), a Chartered Engineer with the Engineering Council United Kingdom (ECUK), and a Professional Engineer registered with the Board of Engineers, Malaysia (BEM). His research interests encompass embedded power production modeling and simulation, power quality analysis, wavelet analysis, multi-criteria decision-making, renewable energy sources, and dynamic equivalence. He is presently a professor and the Programme Director for Postgraduate Programmes (Engineering) in the School of Engineering, Taylor’s University Lakeside Campus, Malaysia, and was formerly a professor, assistant dean (International Collaboration and Affairs) and Junwu Scholar at the School of Electrical Engineering, Guangxi University, China. As part of the inaugural group of distinguished young scientists arriving in Guangxi in 2019, he has dedicated himself to advancing China's Belt and Road Initiative and the RECP plan, while also focusing on the establishment of the China-ASEAN Energy Center.